Manual massage Tips

It is the one performed by the masseur with his hands, without the help of technical equipment (apparatus).

  • Hygienic Massage : An effective method to increase health, preserve and increase the functional level of the body, therefore it is a prophylactic against diseases. It is generally applied in the form of self-massage combined with Morning Gymnastics, lasting 10 to 15 minutes a day with the application of all the manipulations. Currently the Hygienic Massage is not as common as in ancient times.
  • Aesthetic Massage : It is used for aesthetic or beauty purposes, it aims to improve the condition of the skin of the face, head, neck and different parts of the body. It is used to preserve the skin from aging (wrinkles), from different aesthetic defects and also to strengthen the hair.
  • Face massage is a bit complicated and requires a lot of care, it requires special knowledge and proper practice.
  • In young people whose skin is in perfect condition; the massage is applied twice a month. In cases of flaccidity, the application should not be made more than once a week. When there are no infectious diseases on the skin, massage is performed with an interval of one or two days. The session will last from 5 to 12 minutes.
  • Acupuncture Massage : A kind of therapeutic massage. It is based on the theory of “points of influence” that consists of drilling and releasing energy in some points of the body with a needle held by the index and middle fingers and a special technique, in this way, by reflex way the nervous system can be alter or change functions of different organs and body systems. The number of points that exist in the human body are around 693, but the most effective are 60 to 100 points.


  • Rolf massage : Method of manipulation of the connective tissue of the body that seeks to enhance the structure. Also known as Structural Integration .


Rolf’s massage application

  • features

It is a deep 출장안마  massag method perfected a few decades ago (approximately 1916) by the American biochemist Ida Rolf. As therapy it has a triple objective: to increase the range of movement, improve balance and provide the patient with an “easy” posture.

His most important technique is the use of extremely strong and concentrated pressure, applied with a knuckle, elbow, or sometimes even a fist. Often you work on a single point on the body for several seconds. It aims to readjust the connective and muscular tissues and achieves it with impressive results: a complete transformation of the physical aspect of the body.

Rolf’s “treatment” normally consists of ten sessions of one hour each, usually applied once a week. It is interesting to highlight what happens to the subject during the process. It usually consists of a mixture of acute, extremely painful, and yet often exhilarating sensations. The pain is bearable; it bursts for two to three seconds and stops immediately when the hand is removed. It has a solid, almost reassuring quality. Furthermore, it is often accompanied by intense and sometimes joyous excitement. The subject undergoes, in fact, a change in his physique. You can feel your muscles relaxand sometimes you can capture the energy that runs through the body. Strong emotions are frequently released during the course of treatment. Often childhood memories that lay totally forgotten also return to consciousness.

  • Results

The physical effects of Rolf’s massage are mostly permanent. For some subjects, these profound transformations


Results of the Rolf massage application

They have also brought about equivalent psychological changes: more energy, a sense of well-being and an openness to others.

After the basic Rolfing session the patient achieves:

  • Decrease in postural pain.
  • Proper body alignment.
  • Better movement capacity.
  • Feeling of lightness and flexibility.
  • Freedom of respiratory movements.
Categorized as Massage